20 Feb 2007

Gillian! Mah Keech!

Isn't Gillian McKeith the most loathsome little anal parasite you've ever clapped eyes on? She's the most unhealthy looking health freak you could ever see, too. I've just watched her with a mixture of appalled fascination and loathing as she bullied a bunch of big fat biffers into eating her insipid mung bean concoctions day after fucking day until they probably shat rose petals.

I note that she is no longer "Dr" Gillian McKeith - was this because the American institution where she got her "Doctorate" is the kind of place which e-mails you a diploma to print out at your leisure? Well, I'm not guessing, but I'd be probably be more trusting of the guy with the big pointy hair out of Doctor and The Medics. Not that I'd let him examine my copious effluent, mind you, never mind write fucking books about itA reputable Dr, yesterday.

Who would have thought they would make television out of some twisted little quack looking at the rancid stools of overweight women? Well, they did. Freak show masquerading as public service, and filed under the same category as "How Clean Is Your House?" , "How Septic is Your Cludgie?" and "Fat Camp".

Watch it and weep, for the apocalypse is surely on its way.

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