10 Oct 2010

Just emerged from bed to hear the new Kings of Leon single, which has raised two questions. Firstly, should I have stayed under the covers and secondly, why does every band with pretensions to stadium ubiquity end up sounding like U2?

The Kings seem to have all but disowned their debut album of scratchy garage rock, which is a shame, as its Ethan Johns produced charms, while rough and ready, were certainly more beguiling than their current incarnation as Bono-lite.

In fact, the signature sound of the noughties seems to have been some kind of psuedo striving for profundity provided by a single note bassline and excessive use of a delay pedal, topped with the kind of vocals which suggest big boys stole your lunch money and left you standing bereft in a corner of a primary school toilet holding a melting ice-pop.

Come on, lads. Man up.

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